What should I eat to lose body fat?
One of the questions I get often about nutrition is, "What do I eat to lose weight?"
This is a great question, because there is SO MUCH misinformation out in the world. My belief is that the healthiest way to shed body fat is to include the highest variety of foods you can, while focusing on the right portion sizes to get the results you desire. You'll find each one of the components broken down below.

Lean Proteins
Protein is the only macronutrient that provides us with amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscle tissue. In order to maintain and gain muscle, two things must be included: resistance training and consistent protein intake throughout the day. See my infographic below for even more on protein.

No biological process can happen without water, so you MUST be drinking around 120oz per day. Water helps digestion happen, aids in the fat-burning process, and has even been shown to increase thermogenesis in numerous research studies done over the past decade. Hydration is also extremely important the more active you are, as dehydration can have negative effects on muscle contraction and lead to further health problems.
Low-Glycemic Carbohydrates
Ah, vegetables! All of those higher-fiber, water-filled leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, etc. are lower on the glycemic index, which ranks how much a food impacts blood sugar. The lower the glycemic index, the less your blood sugar rises once you have eaten it. The *BEST* part about lower glycemic carbohydrates is that they fill you up when you are lowering your caloric intake, so you don't feel as hungry throughout the day. Plus, they provide important micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that you NEED in order for all of those metabolic processes to happen.
The full glycemic index within the original research publication can be found at The American Diabetes Association.
Starchy Carbohydrates
These could also be called "high-glycemic carbohydrates", as they tend to raise blood sugar much faster than those mentioned above. They are also notorious for being more calorically-dense, which is why I always advise in eating these in smaller portions than vegetables that are lower-glycemic sources. These are also important for micronutrients, but always practice safe serving sizes!

Dietary fat is absolutely necessary for every human being. Period. You need quality sources of fat in order to burn off stored body fat! Fat is the fuel to create hormones, fight inflammation from those workouts, and helps keep you satiated longer because it takes so much more time to empty from the stomach than protein and carbs do.
There are basic supplements I have recommended for years now, including a high-quality multivitamin and Omega-3/EPA/DHA supplement. Even when someone isn't dieting, it is very difficult to get all the vitamins and minerals our bodies need in order to thrive from food alone. This can cause metabolic processes to slow and nutrient deficiencies to happen, causing other health concerns. I personally take 1stPhorm's M-Factor, which is a pharmaceutical-grade multivitamin that is highly bio-available.
Omega-3 fatty acids are important to make sure you are getting, either from your food sources, or from a supplement form. Our diets are typically higher in Omega-6 fatty acids, which actually encourage inflammation, rather than suppress it. By supplementing with a high-quality EPA/DHA supplement, you can be certain you are getting the proper ratios of fatty acids to keep you burning body fat properly and recovering from those intense workouts. I take 1st Phorm's Full-Mega because it is a properly formulated, extremely high-quality EPA/DHA supplement that I trust.
Occasional Treat

I don't believe in not eating the foods you really love and crave. What I do believe in is an approach that allows you to eat those treats periodically while you still lose body fat along the way! You should be able to lose the body fat for LIFE, and doing so in a strategic, paced manner will allow you to have the occasional donut or cheeseburger without gaining back the body fat you've worked so hard to lose! Depending on the person and dieting structure they follow, I usually allow for a weekly refeed that gives them a bit more freedom (within reason!!).
If you have any questions at all about your diet, or need a new approach to eating healthier, please feel free to contact me! I would be happy to answer any questions and help as much as I can.
- Bonnie -