Can't Lose Weight? Try managing stress and getting more sleep!
Ask anyone you meet what they think the most important parts of losing weight are, and I'm willing to bet you will hear the two main...
Water: The Forgotten Macronutrient
I'm not going to prolong the entire point of this article: YOU NEED MORE WATER. Yes, YOU. I bet if you really tracked all the water you...

What should I eat to lose body fat?
One of the questions I get often about nutrition is, "What do I eat to lose weight?" This is a great question, because there is SO MUCH...

How to Choose the Right Trainer for YOU
As the New Year approaches, a lot of you are probably thinking about getting in shape as a resolution, right? Well, before you start...

Is Your Trainer Fast, Cheap, and Easy??
If you are on Instagram, you have probably seen a LOT of things like this: "Custom diet plan for $40! Message me to get yours, fast!"...

Setting Goals & Reaping Rewards
Ever tried to set a goal for yourself, only to get overwhelmed with the thought of everything you'd have to do to achieve it? Don't feel...
"I don't need a personal trainer..."
If I had a dollar for every time I heard the title phrase... When someone tells me that they 'don't need a personal trainer', it is...

My #1 Tip of All Time
There is one thing that every client I have ever had the pleasure of working with has heard from me when we talk about their goals. It is...

Validation, Motivation, and Passion
I could honestly write single posts just on the three individual topics of validation, motivation, and passion. But, considering how...

My Own Story
There is rarely a day that goes by that I don't get a comment from some random person assuming I have always been in good shape or...